I Need to Ask an Oracle Oracle.

Steve Flyn anothermindbomb at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 17:23:08 UTC 2009

Martin McCormick wrote:
> I figured out I need php5-cli for the interface. On the Oracle
> web site is a package called 
> instantclient-basic-linux32-
> and another called
> instantclient-sqlplus-linux32-

I'm the Oracle DBA for a small migration team. We're using AIX P550 
machines so I've never bothered with Oracle on Linux but I can tell you 
that the sqlplus package will effectively give you a shell with which 
you can issue SQL directly to the database server. You won't need it, 
but it'll be useful to have around. Install it anyway.

> Do I need them at all? 

Not needed but definitely useful.

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