text editing in ubuntu

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 11:32:57 UTC 2009

steve wrote:
> hi all,
> i've been lurking for a while. and i'm quite impressed by how helpful you 
> all are.
> i've been double booting linux with windows for many years. i went with 
> slackware for a long time, being a minimalist at heart. i suffered 
> unsupported hardware and lack of sympathetic user groups [those were the 
> days] because it was not windows and i'm a 'help someone if you can' kind of 
> guy. however, i have certain requirements and litle time [don't want to go 
> into that now - but i'm not an ict pro, by any means].
> i love linux and i've always wanted to ditch windows completely but have 
> never found a satisfactoty means of editing text, or of editing text in 
> email. i also need a good html editor. [looking at screem at the moment]. in 
> an ideal world i'd learn to use cli apps or emacs. i'd also like to win the 
> lottery, but it ain't gonna happen. even though a pigeon shit on my head the 
> other day.
> i've persevered with windows largely due to the efforts of a japanese 
> programmer, tomohiro norimatsu, the author of the text editor 'dana' and the 
> email client 'rebecca', both fully featured but more importantly both 
> bulletproof, as it were. many users of those progs have begged him to 
> produce linux versions of those apps to no avail.
> tonight i tried to do the simplest of things, one would have thought. i 
> tried to edit a text file with gedit. after a few operations i lost focus on 
> the editing window  the 'i-beam cursor was was impotent. save file, reopen, 
> here we go again. a few operations and the i-beam is taunting me. and there 
> is no evidence of wordwrap whatsoever. what gives?
> i tried editing the text file in a kmail window and it would not wrap. again 
> the edit window lost focus after a few operations. strange though it may 
> seem, this email has worked perfectly. hang on, saving to outbox and re-
> editing, wordwrap is cludgy. could there be a simple explanation?
> ubuntu netbook remix on samsung nc10
> kate installed but likewise dysfunctional
> kate uninstalled - nothing changes
> could any one recommend a fairly advance means of editing text that doesn't 
> involve an immense learning curve, never mind drag and drop, but visual word 
> wrap would be good.
> all tips gratefully received.
> steve
> maschino maschino yello 
	Well your sure into Ubuntu but I didn't get what version. I haveGedit
on Hardy, 8.11 and 9.04 and it is the perfect plain ascii editor. I
think your problems are due to your netbook. Try it all on a real laptop
or computer.

	Also choose to learn gnome or kubuntu but not both. There are major



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
        Key ID = 3951B48D

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