Using USB flash as swap space.

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Aug 3 19:29:35 UTC 2009

2009/8/3 Ray Parrish <crp at>:
> Hello,
> I recently read an article that states that using a USB flash drive as
> swap space can help speed up a low memory system since the flash drive
> is faster than a hard drive.

I am no expert on this but I thought that flash may be fast reading
but is slow on write, much slower than a hard drive.
Also I believe flash wears out after a certain number of write
operations so I would not have thought its use as swap would be


> Could someone walk me through the list of commands needed to mount a
> flash drive, and specify it as a swap space in Hardy?
> I would also like to know how to get it set up in fstab so it will
> always work.
> Thanks for any help you can be.
> Later, Ray Parrish
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