Ad-blocker And a similar subject

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Mon Aug 3 19:14:04 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-08-03 at 11:53 -0400, Jayson Williams wrote:
> Firefox has the AdBlock plugin. Have you tried that. Works great for me.

Adblock Plus is an awesome tool for firefox, and I think it does exactly
what you want to do (maybe 1 step better).  When you install it (just
search for "adblock" in firefox's add-on thingy), you pick a blocklist
to subscribe to, and adblocker automatically stops ads that are in the
adwatch list's blacklist from loading at all. no still frames, just
empty frames.  even better though, you can choose to specifically block
certian content on pages you're viewing if you don't want to see it
again.  lots of unnecessary pictures all over your news page? "Right
Click > Adblock Image" is all it takes, and you'll never have to see it
again.  If you accidentally block something you do want, you can unblock
it, of course.  

Hope that helps!

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