Creating and restoring image backups

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Aug 3 12:02:54 UTC 2009

J Bickhard wrote:
> I have a computer running Windows XP home edition, and have been
> trying (rather unsucessfully) to create a full-image backup of the
> 80GB harddrive onto my USB seagate 350(?) GB external hard drive. My
> question is this: is there a way, with the Ubuntu boot disk, to make
> this backup without installing Ubuntu on the computer in question.
> Jake, Editor of Micro 100 Magazine

	The best backup software is rsync. I hve been using it for some time
and it is tricky to get get set up right, but then it just works. Here
is what works on Ubuntu Hardy to a USB hard drive:

rsync -vaH --exclude '/proc' --exclude 'sys'  --exclude '/mnt' --exclude
'/media' /. /media/disk

Reading man rsync will help you as well. Not sure you can use rsync from
the LiveCD. Never tried it myself.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
        Key ID = 3951B48D

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