
Sharon Ruck ruckster at
Sun Aug 2 14:41:16 UTC 2009

I had forgotten how fast, informative and fervent that user digests 
were.  It's been a long time since I was on one!  Thanks for all the 
great information, I have to find time to research through it.

Tim, that is the download I found and was referring to.  It says 
version 8.10 has system tools the 9.04 (mine at least) does not have 
in the same place.  I am going to do some of the command line 
suggestions when I get a chance.  (supervising a huge remodel since I 
destroyed an ankle and can't do the work)

The Linux document repository was a great wealth, I have downloaded 
most of the pdf's; the advanced did not look like my flavor yet.

On my network adapter, it will have to wait for figuring out till the 
remodel is done, my time is committed.  I had almost forgotten the 
days of sitting in front of the computer for most waking moments....

Thanks for the great help.  "I'll be back" with many more questions I'm sure.
thanks again,

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