Archive Structure for UNR hd-media

Daniel Kolbo kolb0057 at
Sat Aug 1 03:26:14 UTC 2009


I am attempting to install ubuntu by booting form my harddrive.

I've read the install documentation.  It says to obtain the files
initrd.gz and vmlinuz from the archives.

I couldn't find a link to the archives from the ubuntu site, so i had to
google to find the archives.

However, how do I know which edition of ubuntu I'm downloading?  That
is, how do i know if it is ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu netbook
remix, ubuntu server edition, etc...?

In particular i'd like to get the vmlinuz and initrd.gz for the ubuntu
netbook remix.  I have an EEE PC netbook, so i'm pretty excited to try
out the ubuntu netbook remix.  This might explain why i'm installing
from the harddrive (No CD drive).

Thanks for helping me out with this question,

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