Directory comparison

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Aug 1 00:42:36 UTC 2009

On 07/31/2009 02:09 PM, R Kimber wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jul 2009 11:42:17 -0700
> NoOp wrote:
>> Thanks, didn't realize that. I'll give unison a spin.
> Have you tried it yet?

Nope. I'll give it a spin now.

> I can't get Unison to connect to my server. I was able to connect using
> Nautilus and could use Meld, but I'd like to try Unison.
> Any ideas as to why it might be failing to connect?
> It gets as far as asking for the password, and then it pops up windows
> 'Contacting server' and then 'Fatal error.  Lost connection with the
> server'. I've tried quite a few times.

OK, testing now using the unison-gtk gui from this machine (jaunty) to
another test machine (hardy). Attempting to sync a simple folder in my
home directory here to the remote; login to the remote went just fine
(using ssh), but now unison seems to be very busy scanning everything on
this machine. It's stuck on my 6Gb virtualbox folder...
  Seems odd in that I only wanted to sync a single folder, but I'll wait
until it's finished & post back on the results.

For your connection issue; perhaps you can provide more details?

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