Screencast with gtk-recordmydesktop

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at
Wed Apr 29 00:19:24 UTC 2009

Damien Hull wrote:
> I just gave "wink" a try. I don't get it. "gtk-recordmydesktop" creates a video of everything I do. Seems wink takes screen shots every few seconds. I tried to create a flash video but it's too fast. Everything zips by. 
> Do you have an example I could look at? Maybe something on the net. 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Miller" <mr.mcmiller at>
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 1:46:21 PM GMT -09:00 Alaska
> Subject: Re: Screencast with gtk-recordmydesktop
> Have you tried using "wink" instead? It should be in Synaptic. I'm not familiar with the software you refer to, but I use wink to record desktop actions for short teaching videos. 
> mcm 
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Damien Hull < dhull at > wrote: 
> I'm trying create screencasts with gtk-recordmydesktop. It works but not very well. On my Dell Inspiron the video is jerky. Video quality is better on my desktop system. That happens to be a slower system but its got a better video card. 
> What kind of hardware do I need to make gtk-recordmydesktop work? 

Another possibility is pyvnc2swf
It might be a little complicated to set up, but I believe it does 
exactly what you want. I have had the pleasure of using it myself now 
and then.
       | Carl Friis-Hansen               | Fiskeryd Nybygget |
       | | 341 91  Ljungby   |
       | Phone: +46 (0)372 15033         | Sweden            |

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