Should I buy a new graphics card or a new computer?

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at
Tue Apr 28 18:45:25 UTC 2009

Thomas Kaiser wrote:
> Chris Jones wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Looks like software sources should be ok?
>> Certainly does....
>> Looking at
>> it would seem your card is support by the latest driver.
>> What happens if you install the driver by hand using apt-get ?
> In the mean time, I tried already all of the nvidia-glx-nnn with apt-get 
>   and it was always the same "... low-graphics-mode".
> Anyway, as it looks like the 180 is the right one I try again.
> My card has the ID 10DE:0140. So the 180 should fit.

Looks like I got little progress.
I stay with nvidia-glx-180 and I get this "low-graphics-mode" box. When 
I press OK for using the "low-graphics-mode only for this session", both 
monitors a running in (I guess) 640x480 (with the same picture in each 

Now, I just disconnected the monitor which was connected to the DVI port 
(VGA monitor with DVI-VGA adapter), rebooted.

I still get the "low-graphics-mode" box but now the monitor is running 
in its native resolution (1280x1024).... Looks like progress ;-)

I tried to lunch the display configuration tool and it tells me that I 
have to use the nvidia tool. A "exiting" click on this button wasn't 
that exiting :-( The nvidia tool displayed that I don't use a nvidia 
driver. Looks somehow strange...

The native tool tells me to use the nvidia tool and the nvidia tool 
tells me I don't use a nvidia driver.

Chicken Eg problem?

At least, I have one monitor back in its native resolution.

I will see what happens next.

Greetings to Bill Gates.....


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