Xubuntu video display completely screwed (was: Can't log in to Xubuntu 9.04 Jaunty)

Charlie Kravetz cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Mon Apr 27 22:49:36 UTC 2009

On Tue, 28 Apr 2009 07:12:48 +0900
Dave M G <martin at autotelic.com> wrote:

> Ubuntu users,
> 12 hours ago I upgraded my Panasonic laptop from Xubuntu 8.10 to
> 9.04. The laptop has been running Xubuntu since 8.04, and never had
> any troubles of any kind.
> However, on Jaunty, the video display is completely unusable. At the 
> login screen and after logging in, the desktop resolution is
> over-sized in such a way so that only the top left quarter or eighth
> fills the entire screen. Also, it's not just that the desktop is
> larger than the screen, it sort of doubles back on itself, so there's
> a kind of rasterized look, and different parts of the desktop overlap
> each other.
> In short, it is all screwed up, and unusable.
> I can kill the X session and do things from a command prompt, so
> that's how I'll have to solve this.
> What can I do to diagnose and solve this display problem?
> Thank you for any advice.

Try this from Ctrl+Alt+F2

xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/DPI -s -1 

It should reset the DPI so you can read things again.

Good luck,

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
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