How to find out not frequently used package / package with big size?

Sundar Nagarajan sundar.personal at
Mon Apr 27 18:15:33 UTC 2009

howard chen wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to find out not frequently used package? Such as the
> one in Windows XP I am view by last used or package size?
> Currently I am using aptitude and find no way to easy to remove
> unneeded package.

popularity-contest does part of this. It uses atime on files, links to 
the package database and sorts files based on time last accessed. It 
should be fairly easy to process this output and mix with deborphan to 
identify TOP-LEVEL packages (that nothing else depends on) that have not 
been used in time X (or identify the least used packages).

popcon-largest-unused seems to identify the largest packages that are 
unused (do man popcon-largest-unused). I haven't used these myself, but 
they look pretty nifty. And yes, we DO have all the hooks in Linux too :-)

Sundar Nagarajan

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