9.04 Final == RC

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Mon Apr 27 15:23:35 UTC 2009

On Monday 27 April 2009 7:18:36 am Roy Smith wrote:
> W. S. S. wrote:
> >
> > Does 9.04 comes with Firefox 3.0.8 or 3.0.9? I can't seems to find
> > this page detailing all the installed software on the Ubuntu site
> > itself.
> I can't remember which one was installed when I upgraded.  But I can
> tell you that right now 3.0.9 is installed.

I've never understood that question either,  ...don't people normally keep 
their system updated?  My 8.04 currently has FF 3.0.9 which of course showed 
up in the regular 8.0.4 updates when it became available for this distro.  Is 
there really an upside to never updating?  No bugfixes?  No security fixes?  

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276
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