A USB drive as (1) 160 GB partition sole purpose data

Thorny thorntreehome at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 14:19:45 UTC 2009

On Sat, 25 Apr 2009 15:28:42 -0600, allen meyers posted:

> I will state what I am doing, not attesting to it being right and await
> your critique.
> 1.I can plug it in, go places and it shows on left tree 160GB. To the
> right is a data folder and right of that folder Lost+found
> 2. I can right click on a given file to move to said partition, choose
> send, the, removable disk & shares, send to 160GB media
> 3. When I right click on 160GB icon + properties I see the file pie as
> if I was in windows C and it shows the presence of what I sent, but not
> titled.
> 4. This begs the question of an option to move data to partition titled
> so that it can be retrieved edited or used please advise
> Finally because I have experienced 2 error 15's I am reluctant to shut
> down until someone advises me as to the following (a) is it safe to
> unmount leave plugged in and shutdown with no danger of an error 15 at
> reboot.
> (b) is a safer course unmount, unplug, shut down (c) Finally at reboot
> assuming used option (b) is it plug in, boot or boot, plug in.
> Please advise

The error 15s are because GRUB doesn't find the file it is looking for,
there is not just one single cause for that, it could be caused several
different ways. However, there is no pressing need for you to shutdown at
this time.

When you do an orderly shutdown, the system unmounts the drives properly
for you, you don't need to manually unmount or unplug.

No need to go through all of that in "b".

If the MBR sends GRUB to the correct partition (the one where the rest of
GRUB resides) you won't get an error 15. If you somehow unplug a removable
device without umounting, it could end up in a state that the system can't
read. It's probably a good idea to have your /boot partition on an
internal drive to avoid that possible problem.

What you don't want to do is unplug the usb device while it is still
mounted or if the system hasn't finished writing to the disk.

If my memory serves me, this USB drive was the one you previously had a
partition mounted as your "/media/disk" but you had two partitions on it
at that time, each of 80G. I think one was "/" for some Operating System.

I remember yours was a multi-boot system (three OS).
Allen, open a terminal and sudo grub, 
when you get the grub> prompt type, find /boot/grub/menu.lst,

That should tell us (list) the location(s) of the GRUB files, with any
luck you will just have one and then we will have some specific data. As
long as your GRUB MBR sends GRUB to the correct partition and that
partition can be read, you will not get a file not found, error 15. Note
that command isn't meant to fix anything, it just tells us the location(s)
of the files we are interested in (the rest of GRUB). 

I didn't understand your number 3 & 4, I don't know what you mean by
"titled". Can you describe it in other words?

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