memory leak

Franz Waldmüller waldbauernbub at
Sun Apr 26 12:20:50 UTC 2009

Alan Chandler schrieb:
> I left my desktop running for a couple of days, and swap usage has 
> slowly been growing - just before I rebooted just now it was at 2.1GB, 
> and the whole GUI has slowed down.  After reboot, my swap was not used, 
> and only about 400Mb of main memory.
> How can I find what is using swap, to get a clue as to what it is.
I don't know how to trap the program which is leaking but I have two hints:
-) no reboot is required: just log out and log in again

-) In my 8.04 installation the memory usage of nautilus was growing over 
the days.
just open a terminal and type
kill `pidof nautilus`

nautilus should restart automatically. I used this command to avoid 
logging  out and in. -> All applications should remain open.


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