sshd and ftpd

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sat Apr 25 11:48:27 UTC 2009

Preston Kutzner wrote:
> On Apr 24, 2009, at 9:44 PM, Steven Susbauer wrote:
>> Preston Kutzner wrote:
>>> There's nothing you need to load.  Sftp functionality is in-built in
>>> sshd.  I would suggest uninstalling ftpd, however, since you don't
>>> need it.  All you need to do to use sftp is use the sftp client on  
>>> the
>>> machine you want to connect from as follows:
>>> sshd username at hostname
>>> You'll be logged into the remote host and the sftp client will work  
>>> as
>>> you would expect a regular ftp client to work.
>> It's even easier. In Gnome Ubuntu you can go to Places> Connect to
>> Server and choose SSH, it will mount the remote system on the desktop.
> Totally forgot about that.  I tend to be a command-line user in most  
> cases, so I tend to more readily come up with command-line solutions.   
> Does gvfs support connecting via sftp using ssh keys?  I don't have my  
> ubuntu box handy to try it out myself.
Total amazment! I used the Gnome Places and it worked just fine! I even 
gave my setup a name so I can call it again and again. The name shows up 
when I click Places!

I need to give it the password for the other computer but that is all. 
Display what you want and and slide it over on to your computer :-)

Thank YOU!!!!!


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