
Steve Reilly sfreilly at
Sat Apr 25 11:45:24 UTC 2009

Daniel Dalton wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a firewall called, it is just a shell script
> containing many iptables lines. I use a line like this in my interfaces
> file:
> post-up /sbin/
> Which works fine on debian, but how can I do the equivilent on ubuntu? I
> would like to start the firewall eg. invoke this shell script once
> the specified interface is up eg. wlan0, eth0 etc. I'm using
> network-manager to control my connectivity.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Daniel.

put the executable in /etc/init.d  then if i remember correctly
update-rc.d nameoffile defaults    you may want to have a look at this

its been a long time since ive messed with it, you have to symlink to
another directory so it will start in the correct runtime, that should
explain further


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