Unable to install IE

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Fri Apr 24 13:02:21 UTC 2009

? wrote:
> Jaspreet Singh schrieb:
>> True bro wen you use linux you don't need any Fuckin microsoft shiv
>> installed in it... Why you want it. Think about it...
> There are some web developers who want to know how their site is 
> rendered with this "browser", which does not respect standards.
> This comments are not very helpful.
> Franz
Franz, I wholly agree with both:

 > There are some web developers who want to know how their site is
 > rendered with this "browser", which does not respect standards.


 > This comments are not very helpful.

Regarding web developers, there are there are both paid and free 
services like http://browsershots.org/ and http://browsercam.com/ 

Personally I use the latter, which also provides me with VM into 
different platforms to test scripting, dhtml, etc.


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