[OT] was Ubuntu has gone!

Res res at ausics.net
Fri Apr 24 00:02:24 UTC 2009

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009, Thorny wrote:

>> its been that way since day dot way back then...it'll never change.
> That isn't true Res, in the old days there were fewer "newbies" than
> "regulars" and lists and newsgroups "policed" themselves. People learned

Not at all true, reputable lists have been moderated by REAL moderators
since day dot, even back in the old fido days, but I suspect those who 
think they can tell others how to do things "their way" wail always 
disagree, its like spammers, they never see what they are doing as 
spamming. The self appointed wannabes also only selectively try police
some of the CoC rules here, and then only  against some people.

>> perhaps, but the danger lies within, you cant have a bunch of misfits
>> deciding based on their personal beliefs what anyone else needs to do,
>> moderation is why we have moderators :)
> There is the code of conduct and mailing list etiquette for Ubuntu lists.
> I'm not sure you want to call the people who set those, "misfits" and

no i was referring to the wannabes who think they have the right to 
enforce it under their own selective interpretation.

> since they were probably decided on by a committee, they likely don't fit

but the net-cops on this list sure as hell are not. Dax I understand is 
the only moderator who plays an active part here, if something goes on he 
doesn't like I'm sure he will act.

>> It is very childish of those who publicly state in here they refuse or
>> may refuse to help someone just because that person top posts, I mean,
> How is that "childish". Adults in society have to follow laws and rules

You are kidding me aren't you? its like a temper tantrum,  something I'd 
expect from a little kid, not grown adults, nor even teenagers to do.
Do you refuse to help an elderly person who falls on the road when they 
were jay-walking, because jay-walking is an offence? (some of) you 
probably do, being so anally retentive.


-Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers

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