Jaunty still in Beta?

H.S. hs.samix at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 21:57:39 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> For the last 3 or 4 Ubuntu releases, I've started early in the alpha
>> stages, never re-installed and never needed too because of some bug
>> that's prevented nominal usage.
> Yes, Ubuntu has been great about updates and migration. I agree
> completely. But the system is not _designed_ for that, and you will be
> bitten some day.

As I mentioned in my other post recently, the system does work very well
even with conf changes. However, please note that it is not a
replacement for being careful while updating. Clueless updaters who are
not careful and alert regarding what is being updated are very likely to
be bitten with upgrades sooner or later, no matter what release they are
working with.


Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on gmane.org. Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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