Java and timezone issues!

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Apr 21 04:34:10 UTC 2009

On 04/20/2009 09:06 PM, Knute Johnson wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> While that does work (on my intrepid systems), it creates the problem of
>> having to change the file each time you move from one timezone to
>> another (think laptop + travel). So in order to use it as a reasonable
>> workaround, I think you'd need to figure out how to have the file be
>> automatically updated from /etc/timezone. Otherwise your stuck on left
>> coast time forever.
> How do you change it now?  There must be some utility or do you copy the 
> appropriate file to /etc/localtime?

Don't know. On Intrepid I just added what you'd posted re
/etc/sysconfig/clock (it doesn't exist unless you create it) & your
clock app did work.

>> Further, I think that it's important to figure out why the issue doesn't
>> occur on hardy, but does occur on intrepid. Both hardy systems that I
>> tested are upgrades from d-e-f-g-hardy. I've another system that has a
>> fresh hardy install on it that I can test tomorrow to see if it occurs
>> on that system as well.
> I don't know the names, what's the number for Hardy and Intrepid?

Hardy = 8.04
Intrepid = 8.10

As noted in my other post; everything works on hardy without _any_
modifications at all. It is only Intrepid that has the issue (currently)
- I do not have Jaunty (9.04) installed, so the problem may be there as

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