default boot option
lazer1 at
Tue Apr 21 01:22:50 UTC 2009
On 21-Apr-09, Lucio Mario Nicolosi wrote:
>lazer1 wrote:
>> On 20-Apr-09, Preston Kutzner wrote:
>>> On Apr 20, 2009, at 3:36 PM, lazer1 wrote:
>>>> when I boot my computer, I am presented with a boot option screen
>>>> eg various Ubuntu options,
>>>> a Windows option and a Fedora Core option,
>>>> how can I change the default option?
>>> edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file:
>>> Find the line that starts with 'default' and change the number to
>>> match the boot definition you want to be the default. The boot
>>> definitions are near the bottom of the file and each definition starts
>>> with the word 'title'. The list is 0-based, so your first definition
>>> is actually '0', so you would use 'default 0'.
>> emacs says the file is read only!
>> I tried to log in as supervisor using:
>> su -
>> but it says:
>> Password:
>> then when I give the password I use to login
>> it says:
>> su: Authentication failure
>> !
>Try the Ubuntu way:
>:~$ sudo [your preferred text editor] /etc/boot/grub/menu.lst
for a moment I thought that was a smiley!
ok that functions now, the default boot is now changed,
in fact I used:
sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst
GNU originally began with open source emacs, but today with Ubuntu what are
the recommended text editors?
are there any where I can get my preferred programming indentation style:
if( x )
if( y )
where { and } are always aligned in the same column and
a tab is a single character but 8 characters wide?
I dont want a tab reformatted as several space characters as that slows down
deleting tabs.
I really dont like emacs bizarre default formatting, where it REFUSES to
accept various things.
a long time ago on Unix I managed to reconfigure emacs to do the above
but I have lost the notes I made of this!
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