Ubuntu Server intrepid GUI

Preston Kutzner shizzlecash at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 05:13:29 UTC 2009

On Apr 18, 2009, at 11:50 PM, madanabhat27 at gmail.com wrote:

> But are there any tutorials for using the  command line to  
> administer those software ?
> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

A google search should bring up plenty of tutorials.  As it stands,  
even installing the desktop packages on an Ubuntu server will not  
install graphical administration apps by default for the server  
daemons you mentioned (Apache, Dovecot, Sendmail, etc.)  For those,  
Webmin would be what you're looking for.  You can install it using:

sudo aptitude install webmin

You'll then be able to administer the server via a web browser from  
any computer on your network (or the internet if your server has a  
public-facing interface), by default by pointing your browswer to http://www.example.com:10000 
   (obviously replacing www.example.com with your server's URL or IP  

I would suggest, however, familiarizing yourself with manual  
configuration of each of these services.  Usually the best place for  
this is reading the documentation for each of them, both via the  
installed documentation as well as visiting each service's web page  

Apache -- http://httpd.apache.org
Dovecot -- http://www.dovecot.org
Sendmail -- http://www.sendmail.org

If you don't have any specific reason to be using sendmail, I would  
recommend using postfix instead.  It's much easier to configure than  
sendmail and gives you the same functionality, plus some.

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