Ubuntu Server intrepid GUI

Amedee Van Gasse (ubuntu) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Sat Apr 18 18:52:08 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

madanabhat27 at gmail.com schreef:
> Thanx for th tip but how exactly do I get a gui for apache, sendmail, dovecot and other such server software bundled with the OS ? 

Server software, by definition, does not actually *need* a client-side
GUI to work. Unlike that "other OS" that shall remain unnamed.[*]

To configure the server software, you only need to edit the
configuration files with a text editor.

If you feel unconfortable with editing simple text files, there is
always something called "webmin" (Google it), but I recommend very much
against is because:

* it is somewhat insecure if you run it on a server that is accessible
from the interwebs
* webmin can mess up your configuration files in unspeakable ways if you
don't know what you're doing (and by the question you asked, I think you
don't, not yet anyway)

If you want to use webmin, go ahead. But remember that when you ask for
support on this list, we will always assume that YOU have edited your
configuration files, not webmin. If webmin changes something away from a
default setting, YOU are responsible for it.

In case you didn't get the hint, I want to scare you away from webmin. ;-)

[*] Even in the 2008 version of that other OS, you don't need a GUI any
more. Everything can (and sometimes must) be scripted. It seems like
Bill^WSteve is starting to learn! :-)

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