Cannot find USB hard disk

Gary Baribault gary at
Thu Apr 16 13:12:30 UTC 2009

I'm pretty sure your not supposed to use a hammer or lineman pliers to
insert a usb connector! ;-)

Gary B

Nils Kassube wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> I am connecting an EXT3-formatted 40 GB known-good Western Digital
>> hard disk to my Kubuntu 8.04 machine via USB-to-IDE adaptor. When I
>> plug the drive in nothing related shows up in dmesg nor in fdisk:
> If there is nothing in dmesg or /var/log/messages the disk is not 
> visible to the system. I had the same problem once. The USB plug at the 
> disk side was a type B connector and I had inserted this plug with the 
> wrong orientation, i.e. turned around 180°. I certainly needed some 
> force to do that but it was possible. After I connected the plug 
> properly the disk worked.
> Nils

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