How to safely dual boot ubuntu 8.10 intrepid with Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11

kapil singh kushwah at
Wed Apr 15 10:15:09 UTC 2009

Entry of preceding OS is not shown in the boot loader .
If that is your case.

Actually, Ubuntu doesn't give you the choice of whether to install the boot
loader during the install process and then  it will overwrite your existing
grub with it's own configuration.
so after that you have to edit the file  /boot/grub/menu.lst  and add the
entries of your preceding OS.

>From where you are getting that entries ??

You can mount that partition on which you have installed your preceding OS
and got that entries from similar file (/boot/grub/menu.lst  or
/etc/grub.conf whatever applicable).

free to  ask if you did not get my solution .

Kapil singh Kushwah
Linux System Administrator
Hotwax Media Inc., Indore
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