pikkin up n old bone "dial up'

squareyes squareyes at internode.on.net
Mon Apr 13 23:27:20 UTC 2009

John Heinen wrote:
> Okay, here is my list, and thank you for your patience Winton
> 1. did not type anything by provider
> 2 used static, 20769108/185 20769108186
> 3 used pap
> 4 used: user name hens and pat at earthlink.net
> 5 xxxxxx (pasword)
> 6 speed 115200
> 7 tone
> 8 xxxxxxx local phon nu
> 9 yes
> 10 tab enter
> 11 /dev/ttyACM3
> 12 finnished
> 13 tab
> 14 restart
> 15 applic>acces>terminal
> 16 sudo pasword xxxxxx
> 17 pop
> 18 command not found
Hi John,
try connecting with   pon  not pop, if that doesn't work,
I think most isp's now use Dynamic, so try first removing all in pppconfig,
may need to delete "backup" connection made here, and start again. You 
probably have a bit of a mess here
now and if it doesn't connect with  pon  you haven't really lost 
anything. Start pppconfig, and use Dynamic
instead of static. write files...  Exit this utility... Shouldn't need 
to restart. In terminal type  pon.
Take Care

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