problem with chmod

Derek Broughton derek at
Thu Apr 9 16:33:02 UTC 2009

Brian McKee wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Derek Broughton <derek at>
> wrote:
>> Very.  I would never mount _anything_ from fstab at /mnt.  It doesn't
>> really matter, but it's a non-standard mount point, and nothing will find
>> files there under normal circumstances.
> Derek -  care to restate that sentence?  I can't quite figure out what
> you were trying to say, but suspect you mangled it.  /mnt is of course
> the traditional place  mount things from fstab...

No, it's not.  It's the traditional place to mount something that has no
prescribed use - but it's not on your path, it's not likely searched by
update-db, and I generally figure that anything that is in /etc/fstab
should be "integrated".  Usually it will belong somewhere under the more
standard hierarchy.

I use /mnt for one-off mounts (where I tend to use /mnt itself, rather than
a subdirectory), but never for fstab.

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