camera card reader

Steve Cook yorvik.ubunto at
Mon Apr 13 09:04:24 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

laptop wrote:
>>> < snip > 
>>>>> Thanks, the not so bright news is that my camera only takes XD
>>>>> cards. Ah well some sort of USB hub I suppose.
>>>> ... or a 12-in-1 card reader
>>> Thanks, it's not the shortage of a card reader it's the shortage of
>>> USB sockets.
>> I thought the original post said something about not being able to
>> read the XD card?
> You are quite correct but, perhaps I had not made myself clear. In the
> front of the laptop there is a slot for cards and it is when the card is
> inserted here that it is not recognised. I have a small unit into which
> cards may be inserted and that connects to a USB socket. When the XD
> card is used with this unit it is recognised.
> Norman
It would appear that this card reader, a firewire device, is just about
incompatible with all known software.  A friend had issues with it under
Vista, which we didn’t pursue as it was to be converted to XP anyway. XP
proved to be a pain to get working with it and seemed to be rather fussy
about the size of cards.  Intrepid couldn’t see XD cards at all.
There is hope, however.  When trawling around the net for answers the
was an article about it working with Jaunty, which I can’t find now!.

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