I'm Building a $200 Linux Desktop

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Sun Apr 12 04:42:41 UTC 2009

On 04/10/2009 11:35 PM, Knapp wrote:
> Around here they are selling 4gb ram for 25$ euros. I would spend the
> extra 10 bucks and get 4 not 2, if you ever plan to do any gimp work
> or want to run a bunch of apps at the same time. On the other hand you
> can survive with 2 for sure.

Sure more is better, and at that price I agree with the idea.  But I am 
running on a 2ghz celeron laptop with 756 meg of ram.  Gimp works fine, 
cinelerra can  render video, and as I type I have several things running 
at once.  I'm certain that 2g will work fine.

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