Upgrade Question

Matt Harrison matt at m-harrison.com
Fri Apr 10 18:30:18 UTC 2009

Agreed...I always have kept my /home on it's own partition and never had any
problems.  And to reply to a bit earlier on the post...I am well aware that
Ubuntu is designed to just keep upgrading without a reinstall but I have had
problems doing that before from version to version...such as things I have
uninstalled magically getting re-installed when the update takes place.  It
may be designed to do that, but IMO a rolling upgrade should just upgrade
what I have installed and what is required.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Cybe R. Wizard <cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
> wrote:

> "J. Limon" <jlimon at eml.cc>  said:
> > I find keeping /home on its own partition causes more harm that
> > solutions
> May I ask what harm?  My /home has been on the same partition since
> Warty Warthog and given no trouble.
> Cybe R. Wizard
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