How to tell if package upgrades will require rebooting?

Adam Funk a24061 at
Wed Apr 8 19:26:09 UTC 2009

On 2009-04-08, Aart Koelewijn wrote:

> In general you have to stop and restart whatever is installed new. If a 
> new mysql server is installed, mysql will be stopped and restarted, if a 
> new x-server is installed you will have to stop and restart your x-
> server. If a new kernel is installed, the only way to get the new kernel 
> running is by stopping the old one and restarting the new one and that 
> means a reboot. Apart from the kernel almost everything else can be 
> stopped and restarted without a reboot.

I understand all that, and I expect a kernel upgrade to require a reboot.

> There maybe some exceptions, but I don't know them.

Those are the ones I want to warn myself about.

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