changing grub

Ray Parrish crp at
Sun Apr 5 12:06:43 UTC 2009

Amedee Van Gasse (ubuntu) wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ray Parrish schreef:
>> You're mixing apples and oranges there. nano is a command line editor
>>  which only works within terminal, not a true GUI editor like gedit,
>> so of course it starts just fine with sudo. Maybe in Kubuntu they
>> have expanded nano into an application that can run in it's own GUI
>> window, but on Ubuntu, it's just an application which runs only
>> within a Terminal window.
> Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with a KDE desktop. There is no special magic for
> nano. ;-)
>> As to using the "&" with gedit, I sometimes want to use gedit for
>> quite a while on more than one file in root mode, but have no need to
>> keep the Terminal window open past the initial use of it to get gedit
>> started in root mode. I'm not editing from the terminal window, I'm
>> using a GUI application to do the editing. So, if I don't use the "&"
>> and then close Terminal, it will close gedit before I'm ready for it
>> to.
> Then why dont you use ALT+F2 and type gksu gedit <file>? I find that
> faster than Toepassingen <mouseclick> Hulpmiddelen <mouseclick>
> Terminalvenster <mouseclick>
That is an excellent idea! I have no idea why I haven't been doing that, 
as I already knew about ALT-F2, but have only been using it when unable 
to access the menus for some reason. I think I'll start using that trick 
from now on. 8-) Once I type it in the first time I'll be able to use 
it's drop down list to run the command again without typing it.
>> I much prefer the full use of the mouse and other GUI niceties when
>> I'm editing files, so I always use gedit, instead of any of the
>> command line editors like pine, nano, etc... with all of their
>> unusual key combos needed to control them. 8-)
> I try to do as little as possible with the mouse, to avoid RSI.
> Constantly switching between keyboard and mouse slows me down.
> - --
> Amedee
Typing is the thing that slows me down. 8-) Although I've been at it for 
around 35 years now, I still cannot avoid hitting the wrong keys, and am 
constantly backtracking to fix my mistakes. It's a good thing I have a 
spell checker to alert me to the problems.

At least I *can* fix the mistakes now on my computer. Back in the days 
when I was a clerk in the US Army, more than a mistake or two meant 
ripping the paper out of the typewriter, and starting over again, which 
made for some very frustrating days at times. That was with good old 
manual typewriters, they weren't even electric!

Getting something like a company training schedule cut on a stencil for 
the mimeograph machine done was a real trial! 8-) The mimeograph machine 
was hand cranked too, not even electric. Those were the days! 8-)

I hope things are going well for you in Belgium Amedee. Thanks again for 
the tip.

Later, Ray Parrish

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