Arrow in System Tray?

Ray Parrish crp at
Sat Apr 4 00:36:56 UTC 2009


This is more of an matter of curiosity than an actual problem. Ever 
since I put my system tray on a wide panel at the right side of the 
screen, there will often be the image of a large gray arrow imposed on 
the system tray behind the icons. Sometimes there will be three or four 
arrow images overlapping at different places along the tray causing an 
odd gray broken pattern around the icons.

Te see what I'm talking about see the following screen capture image. -


Does anyone have any idea what is causing this arrow image to appear? It 
doesn't seem to cause any problems, and to get rid of it, I merely have 
to move the system tray a little bit and it disappears. I'm just curious 
where it comes from, and what if anything it indicates?

Later, Ray Parrish

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