Edubuntu 8.04 query

Derek Broughton derek at
Fri Apr 3 19:01:55 UTC 2009


> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Bret Busby wrote:
>>>> We just have to give up on Edubuntu, as unworkable.
>> So install to a USB stick.  It'll be faster than the CD and last week I
>> saw a 16GB USB stick for $15.
> You would still have the problem below.

Absolutely.  I agree it's poor planning to demo _anything_ on unknown
hardware.  And it would be just his luck in that case to find the machine
he wanted to demo on _couldn't_ boot from USB.  Surely Laptops were
invented so that I would never again have to demo anything on a client's
computer :-)

>> Good point.  It's becoming more unusual to find such a case, but it still
>> happens.
> I've had problems with support for Intel Q965 graphics chipsets with
> some distros. Certain WiFi NICs are an adventure to get working. 

Definitely.  We have the inverse problem to Windows users - Windows often
won't work on older hardware, Linux sometimes doesn't yet have drivers for
newer hardware.  At least with NICs you could take a known-to-work USB NIC
along, but it's a really poor second choice to using a known-to-work
complete system.  

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