installing 8.04 on sata drives prob

Lucio M Nicolosi lmnicolosi at
Thu Apr 2 07:45:19 UTC 2009

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:45 AM, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> James Takac wrote:
>> I'm having probs installing ubuntu (32 bit) on a friends pc. Have
>> loaned one of mine till I sort this out. Both live and alternate cds
>> pass the integrity check yet both throw up read errors during the
>> install phase.
> I would burn the CD again with the lowest possible speed, that may help
> gainst read errors.
>> Both HDD and DVD drive are sata and bios shows them
>> both on the same ide interface (#3) with the HDD as master and the
>> DVD as slave.
> That's a bit strange because SATA disks are not connected to IDE ports.
> Are you sure the drives are SATA?
> Nils

Are all the SATA drives recognized during install?

Do you have "SATA" or "AHCI" options available in BIOS?

Last time I had a similar problem, I found (memtest) that my RAM chips
wouldn't comply with their stated speed. After choosing a more
conservative setting the CD reader performed correctly (but it was an

Also, some BIOS require additional boot parameters at the grub boot
screen, such as pci=nomsi, but if it was the case, install would not
be "seeing" your drives.

If everything else is running fine you might be facing a CD reader
problem, since I guess the CDs were not burnt at he same unit.

Lucio M Nicolosi, Eng. - Sao Paulo - Brazil
skype: lmnicolosi1
Lat.:  23°34'4.79"S - Long.: 46°39'59.53"W
Linux Regist. User #481505 -

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