USB Hub not working after updates

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Wed Apr 1 22:52:16 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Jeff
<captain.jeffrey.t.spaulding at> wrote:
> Hi, Have been using Hardy for a year and now after recent updates my
> Belkin USB Hub no longer works. Its not a hardware failure because the
> Hub works when i run it from the Hardy Live CD.
> Any clues please?

Man, that doesn't seem likely.  A USB hub is a pretty dumb piece of
equipment as I understand it.  For the price of 'em (under $10 CDN
around here) I'd try another one - are you sure it's not an
intermittant failure and it just happened to work when you had the
live cd on?  Or a cable or other device hooked into the hub isn't the
issue?  I have seen bad devices hang an entire USB port/chain


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