Move HD to new machine?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed Apr 1 11:51:45 UTC 2009

Denis Haskin wrote:
> I have two machines that are virtually identical (they're identical
> laptops; pretty sure the only difference is processor speed).
> Can I take a HD that has Ubuntu installed on it and just move it from
> one to the other without any problem?

Yes, it works except for the device entries which are bound to 
individual hardware like ethernet cards. You can find the association 
at /etc/udev/rules/70-persistent-*.rules. In 70-persistent-net.rules I 
have this entry (all in one line):

SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTRS{address}=="08:00:27:9d:97:c9", 
ATTR{type}=="1", NAME="eth0"

Now if I would put the disk in another machine the network card of that 
machine would become eth1 instead of eth0. This may be a problem 
depending on your network settings. You can simply delete the line with 
the eth0 entry when the disk is in the new machine and then it will be 
generated with the new MAC address as eth0 on the next boot.


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