Fix for HP Laptops

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Apr 1 00:56:06 UTC 2009

On 03/31/2009 04:28 PM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:

>     Yes here at home I used to be able to just un-plug my router and 
> there would be no WiFi signals. But now I get 4 neighbors wiFi quite 
> strong. But I live in NM so a short drive to the Cotton Gin was all it 
> took to loose all WiFi signals.
> Karl

I tend to lose wifi signals if I drink gin too. Come to think of it, I
lose *all* signals if I drink gin :-) On the other hand, when I drink
scotch the wifi signals seem to get considerably stronger...

Try just wrapping in tin foil instead.

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