Disappearing Sound

Wade Smart wadesmart at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 20:15:26 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 09/29/2008 05:13 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
>> 20080929 1911 GMT-6
>> I have noticed recently that once I play one or two or so movies that I 
>> no longer have sound. I do not have sound for when email arrives, when 
>> one of my friends comes on chat or for any movies. The only way get 
>> sound back is via reboot.
>> Wade
> Try here:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting

20080930 1502 GMT-6

Ok. I have all rows upon rows of sound drivers.

I went through all the commands with success.

But I think that this page is for those who have NO sound. I do have
sound. Actually I had sound for two straight hours while watching tv
online today and then after lunch, I had no sound again.

Actually, Im starting to think this whole 8.04 is too buggy for me right
now. It works perfectly well on lots of peoples machines and then on
others - its totally flaky. My old dell laptop - it seems to be rock
solid but my newer desktop - I have so many problems its crazy.

Really what I might do (if I can get the time and patience to do it) is
backup all my stuff (again), download 8.04 and burn a new disk and do
another new install. I just seem to have too many problems -
intermittent  sound just being one.


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