[OT] GUI goodness for your Mouse and Keyboard programming

Albert Charron albert at albertcharron.name
Tue Sep 30 15:30:28 UTC 2008

Nils Kassube wrote:
> Albert Charron wrote:
>> Heike C. Zimmerer wrote:
>>> Apart from all that, I don't wish to see ads for whatever software
>>> someone may have written here.
>> So, basically, you don't want people to give "hints" on nice projects
>> that may lead to a higher acceptance of Linux?
> This list is for "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general 
> discussions". IMHO, hints about interesting projects have nothing to do 
> with support. Therefore, that post was rather OT here. For such a thing 
> there is sounder at lists.ubuntu.com with the description "Anything goes 
> Ubuntu community chit-chat and discussion list". You can subscribe to the 
> sounders list here: <https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/sounder>
> Nils
On that, I have to admit you've got a point, my bad...

I'm already subscribed to sounder. I don't know if it's just me tho, I 
merely see a post or two a month there... Maybe sounder should be more 
advertised (as this list is)? But this isn't the point here... I know...

  Albert Charron
  Linux Counter member #157482
  Registered computers: 387105, 387106

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