Help recovering information from Windows

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Tue Sep 30 12:49:49 UTC 2008

Amanda Farr wrote:
> Neil,
> I was using Windows (I know I know....). And no the information wasn't on
> the D drive. I don't remember if my computer was still partitioned or not.
> I heard you can download and burn an ubuntu live cd and mount the disk and
> recover the information that way. I'm just a little shaky about how to go
> about doing it.
> Someone on the forums sent me some links and I am going to try it. At this
> point I have nothing to lose.
> If you however have a better suggestion, I am all for it. Or if you know of
> any resources that are easy for beginners to follow, I appreciate the link.
> I have no idea what I'm doing here.
> Thanks,
> Amanda
Hi Amanda,

I would recommend to use a smaller Linux that is specialized on Data 
Recovery for the task.

Try RIP (recovery is possible):

After burning to CD and booting from the CD, choose eitehr 32 bit or 64 
bit (depending on your machine) with X. After a while you will be booted 
into a graphical User Interface, where your right mouse button is your 
friend. The menue you see will have (almost) anything that you can 
imagine for data recovery and harddisk manipulation.

Do not hesitate to come back with any questions you might have. What you 
are doing is not hard to do but imho it is definitely not for the 
fainthearted, since it is kind of dangerous for your data.

Kind regards

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