Help recovering information from Windows
Amanda Farr
amanda.farr at
Tue Sep 30 12:26:04 UTC 2008
I was using Windows (I know I know....). And no the information wasn't on
the D drive. I don't remember if my computer was still partitioned or not.
I heard you can download and burn an ubuntu live cd and mount the disk and
recover the information that way. I'm just a little shaky about how to go
about doing it.
Someone on the forums sent me some links and I am going to try it. At this
point I have nothing to lose.
If you however have a better suggestion, I am all for it. Or if you know of
any resources that are easy for beginners to follow, I appreciate the link.
I have no idea what I'm doing here.
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 7:49 AM, Neil <hok.krat at> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Amanda Farr <amanda.farr at>
> wrote:
> > I brought my laptop to work and connected to our work network and the
> > network tried to put our work image on my computer. My laptop is pretty
> > screwed up right now. I can't get to Windows at all.
> >
> > I know I can just buy a windows OS disk and reformat but I want to
> recover
> > the information on my computer. I thought about trying to take the hard
> > drive out and putting it into an external case but I've never taken apart
> a
> > laptop before and I'm not sure if it would even work.
> >
> > I read some time ago on Digg that you could use an Ubuntu live cd and
> mount
> > the drive but I really have no idea how to do that and would need very
> > specific instructions. Does anyone know where I could find instructions
> for
> > doing this and recovering my information?
> >
> > I appreciate the help and any advice anyone has.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Amanda
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> Hello
> For starters, let's see if there is much hope: What OS did you have on
> the laptop before the problems? Windows? Linux?
> If you had windows, did you put the "my documents" folder on another
> disk (ie: D:/ (data) )? If you did, the "my documents" will probably
> still be salvageble. Most of the laptop manufacturers are smart enough
> to do this by default I believe.
> Most probably the documents on your destop are lost beyond normal
> rescue (there will be ways, but you will probably go insane while
> trying them)
> If you had Linux on there, just boot the Ubuntu CD and look at the
> disks that are already mounted. You'll be able to find everything,
> unless you made no seperate /home (not the default, luckily).
> I sure hope it is possible to help you. Always glad to help fix
> something Windows nuked (although this does not seem to be Redmonds
> fault directly).
> Neil
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