Troubles watching NBC shows from their website

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Tue Sep 30 02:12:39 UTC 2008

On Monday 29 September 2008 4:53:51 pm stan wrote:
> I missed the new Knight Rider show last week, and the NBC web sit claims to
> have a full length version of it that I can view. But when I work my way
> down through the links I wind up with a view of the NBC emblem, and nothing
> further ever happens. Am I missing some plugin?

Oh something happens alright, the numbers lock and the "I don't have any idea 
what the down arrow lock is" start flashing in unison and there is no control 
of the mouse.  What did I get out of this?  Well, I removed NBC entirely off 
of any television in my house and the church so no long get any of their 
garbage.  I came very close to doing this during the Olympics but this was 
the last straw for me.  I am extremely put off by people expecting me to pay 
my good money on trashy computer operating systems to listen or watch their 
trash on MY computer.  So what did YOU do about it?     

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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