Troubles watching NBC shows from thier website

Jim Smith jim at
Tue Sep 30 00:14:14 UTC 2008

stan wrote:
> I missed the new Knight Rider show last week, and the NBC web sit claims to
> have a full length version of it that I can view. But when I work my way
> down through the links I wind up with a view of the NBC emblem, and nothing
> further ever happens. Am I missing some plugin?
I believe you will need the "Moonlight" plugin, which is the Linux
version of Micro$oft Silverlight. It is still in development, and I
don't believe that video is fully implemented just yet. M$ & Novell are
sort of cooperating on its development. I myself installed it in Firefox
and it puts up a nice little player, but so far it doesn't play well
yet. Updates for it come irregularly and I suppose that one of these
days it will work as designed.



Its only a hobby, only a hobby, only a hobby, only a ho............

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