Printing in Ubuntu 8.04

Rob robfleet at
Sun Sep 28 10:46:23 UTC 2008

steve wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Rob wrote:
>> Many thanks.  However, I see no instructions for installing/configuring, 
>> etc...
>> Rob
>> steve wrote:
>> Rob wrote:
>>>>> Greetings all,
>>>>> Can anyone shed any light on why printing seems to be such rocket 
>>>>> science with Linux?  I have been using Linux for a good number of years, 
>>>>> beginning with much earlier versions of Red Hat, then Mandrake and 
>>>>> finally now, Ubuntu 8.04.  I have always had problems with printing and 
>>>>> once again with Ubuntu, I am not able to print.  I have 5 documents in 
>>>>> queue to print but they are not printing.  Not sure what else I can add 
>>>>> to a description of this problem other than in the Document Print Status 
>>>>> box, my printer is correctly identified as an HP Deskjet 6940...
>>>>> Any clues would be welcome.
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> Rob
>> should work fine with the ppd from HP, see the bottom of this page.
> hi, thought you already had it set up, just wouldnt print.
> connect printer and turn on, then go to system> admin> printing> choose
> new printer . if it doesnt already detect your printer then choose the
> type of printer from the list on left  ipp, parallel, etc. follow
> instructions from there on. self exclamatory.
> matter of a couple clicks and youll be printing....... a good portion of
> hp printers ive encountered are linux compatible, including yours.
> - --
> Steve Reilly
I had/have already set it up and it is reflected as 
"Deskjet_6940_series".  This was autodetected and set up during 
installation.  However, just in case something got ignored during 
installation, I have gone through the steps you elaborate above and now 
have it reflected again as "Deskjet_6940_series2".  Even though I have 
both of them "set up" neither will print.  Any suggestions as to what's 


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