Please help me mount my data HD

Karl Larsen k5di at
Sat Sep 27 21:08:59 UTC 2008

Mark Haney wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>> Edgar Sarino wrote:
>>> To ubuntu-users,
>>> Greetings.  I am new to ubuntu, but I thought that I would give it a try.
>>> I have a Dell Precision with two SCSI HDs - a 36 GB HD (onto which I installed ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition) and a data 137 GB HD, which I left alone.  I thought that the installer would automatically reformat both drives - instead, it left the 137 GB HD alone, and when I try to access it or view it, I get an error message which states that the drive has the NTFS file system and is therefore umountable.
>>> Question: How do I reformat the drive, and/or make the drive mountable?
>>> Thanks for your attention to this matter.
>>> - Edgar Sarino
>>     Well you need to make a partition on the 137 GB drive. If it was me 
>> I would make several partitions and make partition 4 a Extended 
>> partition. So to start make a partition large enough for your storage 
>> needs.
> Why do you suggest that?  Why 4 partitions?  Why not one?  He states 
> he's new to Ubuntu so why confuse him? What is his storage needs?  You 
> fail to explain how to make a partition that isn't the entire drive.
>>     You make the partitions with "fdisk" which you have on your Ubuntu. 
>> It works like this:
>>     $ sudo fdisk -l
>> will list all the hard drives. Then use fdisk /dev/sdb if that is right, 
>> and then make your partitions and make them Linux.
>>     Now you need to put a filesystem on the partition and that is done 
>> like this:
>> $ sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 if it is the first partition on the second 
>> hard drive. This will happen and then you can mount it to your Ubuntu to 
>> use it.
> Okay, but what about the other 3 partitions you had him put on there? 
> What does he do with those?  You're /not/ going to just leave him with 
> on formatted partition on that second drive are you?
> Plus, how is ubuntu going to mount the drive (fine, partition)?  If it 
> didn't see it correctly to begin with, it's not likely to be in 
> /etc/fstab.  Or if it is, it'll be the wrong fstype (assuming it mounts 
> the drive RO).
> Karl, you only gave him hints on how to do things, and introduced 
> variables he did NOT need (i.e. the 4 partitions).  You are making this 
> relatively simple procedure an order of magnitude more complicated.
> Please, unless you can give /complete/ detailed (or semi-detailed) 
> instructions, DON'T GIVE INSTRUCTIONS.
> I'm asking nicely.
    No your not. Your trying to make me look stupid. If you dislike what 
I write please delete the message.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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