Please help me mount my data HD

Rashkae ubuntu at
Sat Sep 27 18:33:05 UTC 2008

Edgar Sarino wrote:
> To ubuntu-users,
> Greetings.  I am new to ubuntu, but I thought that I would give it a try.
> I have a Dell Precision with two SCSI HDs - a 36 GB HD (onto which I installed ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition) and a data 137 GB HD, which I left alone.  I thought that the installer would automatically reformat both drives - instead, it left the 137 GB HD alone, and when I try to access it or view it, I get an error message which states that the drive has the NTFS file system and is therefore umountable.
> Question: How do I reformat the drive, and/or make the drive mountable?

To begin with, the drive should already be mountable read only.  If you
open the Nautilus file browser. (Places menu on your gnome menu) and
choose Computer, you should see a 130GB Filesystem, double click on that
to mount it.  Now you should be able to read the data from the drive.

Unfortunately, Write support for NTFS is limited and considered beta
only.  If you want to reformat this drive for use in linux, I suggest
installing the gparted partition editor.  ('sudo apt-get install
gparted' from a terminal should do the trick, or find gparted with the
synaptic package manager.)

'Partition Editor' will then be in your System - Administration menu,
and you can use that to quickly find the 130GB NTFS partition and
reformat it as ext3.

Of course, you an also delve into the terminal commands to manipulate
hard drives and partitions if you are wanting to take your Unix
education in that direction.

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