Fw: Compiz install problem

Mandi vermandiw at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 27 17:40:59 UTC 2008

----- Original Message ----
From: Adhika Widjaya <adhikarexuss at gmail.com>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 7:28:24 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Compiz install problem

Hi Mandi, 

How about starting from a fresh install since you haven't done anything else beside enabling compiz (CMIIW). Don't do any thing else after you've finished the fresh install, just tell us whenever you've done it.

Lets see whether we can help you out from that point.


Mandi says::::

Thank you to "The Zorch" and Mario and Adhika for answering!

 I have found that I didn't have to do a fresh install... there is an options
icon at the bottom of the sign on screen, before you sign into Ubuntu, by
choosing options, then select session, then failsafe gnome, then signing in
and then I unchecked the "enable the ATI  driver" it worked! 
It had me reboot, then When I signed on I didn't get the white screen!

I used Envy to install the ATI driver and it seems to be installed fine
now, but trying to check either the normal or the extra visual effects
in appearance causes another white screen... this one goes away
in a little bit though, but the visual effects are back to "none".

I have Kmess, Thunderbird and a couple of KDE games installed
on this install, but if you think a fresh install would enable me to have
the visual effects, I am game to try. I did a bit more research using
some diffferent search terms for my problem and found that there 
are a LOT of people using ATI cards with the same problem.


Maybe there are a lot of people on this list using Ubuntu and ATI cards
that just haven't bothered trying to use visual effects? 

vermandiw on yahoo chat

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