Samba and XP machines

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Sat Sep 27 15:21:17 UTC 2008

Glad you fixed your samba problem.

Leonard Chatagnier

lenc5570 at

--- On Sat, 9/27/08, Keith Clark <keithclark at> wrote:
From: Keith Clark <keithclark at>
Subject: Re: Samba and XP machines
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 9:14 AM

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Fri, 9/26/08, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:
>> From: Karl Auer <kauer at>
>> Subject: Re: Samba and XP machines
>> To: ubuntu-users at
>> Date: Friday, September 26, 2008, 11:36 PM
>> On Fri, 2008-09-26 at 20:56 -0700, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>>> Hey Karl, You're certainly smarter than me on
>> samba and linux in
>>> general and you helped me setup my first samba attempt
>> and so did
>>> others.  But, I distinctly remember getting told by
>> this list that
>>> username and passwd had to be the same on both
>> machines.
>> My partner has an XP machine and can log in as any user she
>> chooses. In
>> the file explorer choose "map network drive",
>> then choose the "other
>> user" link.
> I had lots of trouble mapping Network Drives using windows when i first
started using samba finally got it to see the linux machine but still
couldn't access it. It's been so long now and don't remember exactly
what fixed it.  Don't use any windows now so can't check what you say
out on my end.  I'm sure your right but I just don't remember it that
way. In windows, I had my full name as username as was the default and did set
up an admin account with a seperate passwd which screwed up my user files. I
never had reason to set up seperate user files but am reasonably sure you would
have to login with username and passwd for each. I don;t think I had any success
with samba until I changed my user ID via the admin account to what it was in
Ubuntu including same passwd. I didn't know enough about networking at that
time to even setup one without much help from many people both on and off list.
>>>>>   Also the workgroup name must be the same
>> on both
>>>> machines.
>>>> I think (but do not know) that this is also not
>> true.
>>> This one I'm sure I right on. Had mshome on one
>> machine and workgroup
>>> on another and samba wouldn't work til both has
>> the same workgroup
>>> name.  Was also told by the list they had to be the
>> same.
>> The workgroup on my samba server is one thing, my
>> partner's XP machine
>> is something completely other, and she can mount whatever
>> drives she
>> wants off my server.
> I'm sure you know what your talking about and I know I don't know
that much about samba or networking. I just got them working and pretty much
forgot about them. that's what I like about Ubuntu.
>>> Hey Karl, straighten me out on this because what I
>> said is exactly how
>>> my smb.conf is set up and it still works.
>> Oh, if everything is the same on XP and Samba, it will of
>> course work! I
>> just mean that they do not, technically, *have* to be the
>> same. Think
>> about it - people from all over a University or corporation
>> will be in
>> all sorts of various workgroups, but they can all access a
>> central samba
>> server...
> Well, I can't think about it logically because I don't know much
about networking or samba but what you say makes sense it's just contrary to
what I did and was told when starting out at least as I remember it. I defer to
your knowledge as being correct. It must be early Alheimers setting in of my
part.:-). We should just drop this less we confuse the OP and you just help him
out if he hasn't solved his samba issues yet. Thanks for correcting
impressions I thought was correct for a long time now.
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at
Thanks to all that offered advice!  It is working just fine now.  I am 
using a combination of recommendations in getting it to work.  I re-did 
the conf file and I use the same name and password on all my machines now.

It does seem to take Windows awhile (10 minutes or so) so see the Ubuntu 
machine in Network Neighbourhood, but once it does there are no issues.

Thanks again,


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